Sensational participation record for the anniversary edition - GRAWE Grazathlon 2023

Boundaries overcame, records broken and successes celebrated - at the 10-year anniversary of the GRAWE Grazathlon, one highlight followed the next. And that's not all: An unbelievable 6.660 runners fought their way through downtown Graz over two distances this time.

Am 17. June it was time to show team spirit, fighting spirit and perseverance again and don't forget one thing: have fun! Thousands of running enthusiasts had to fight their way through dirt, sand and water in order to conquer the city. One of many highlights this year: A second, new distance! In addition to the classic 10 km variant, there was a 5+ km distance for the first time, which the runners could choose between when registering, because beat the city should be for everyone. The 10-year anniversary was then properly celebrated in the event arena powered by Jägermeister: There was a pure party atmosphere, because the sound of DJ Mäxx really heated up the audience. Afterwards we went to Kottulinksy/Monkeys.

Both routes were a challenge in themselves: It started in the Augarten and continued to the main square, where the route then separated. The 10 km distance led over the obstacle "Caution Step" by Energie Steiermark up the Schlossberg. On the other side downhill, the 10 km route made another turn to Lendplatz. At the main square, the long route led back to the new, short version. Together we went back to the Augarten to cheers from the audience. There, the classics like the "Under Armor Bagjump" and the "Monkeyland" had to be conquered again before the finish line was reached.

Only those who were tough enough against themselves could hold their own against Graz. Markus Bretterklieber mastered this challenge the quickest: With a sensational time of 46:52 minutes, he was only a minute away from his pursuer Daniel Buchegger (47:41 minutes). Secured third place Lucas Kempe (48:02 minutes). In the women won already for the 4th time Veronika Windisch: She crossed the finish line in 57:30 minutes, beating her fellow competitors Carina Ziegler (59:39 minutes) and Lisa Pfandl (01:02:02 hours) on the ranks. Lucas Kempe won the ULTRA rating: He ran the GRAWE Grazathlon 4 times in a time of four hours.